Some of you kids know about For those who don't it's a rether unique match-making/profiling site. That is rather hilarious as well.
It asks you to give yourself three adjectives that describe you. I went with, in its final form:
I am _behind you (bloops)_, _not behind you_, and, _regretting those two_.
Which is MILDLY witty at best.
Someone decided to message me.
Date: Today, 12:06am
Subject: that profile...
...made me laugh. Truly brilliant. The three words part, a true work of genius. Well, I just wanted to comment. Be well.
~@~ Raven's Blessings ~@~
I decided to take a look at her profile. Besides I'm amazing.
My self-summary:
First and foremost just to let everyone know, I am Pagan. Some people freak and run when they find out, so might as well make it an openly known fact. I am an active witch and follower of the Morrigan, the Celtic goddess of Death, War, Prophecy, and Passionate Love. I love to write, its my truest passion in many ways. I have a sharp wit and love to laugh and make others laugh. Sarcasm is king.
Hrm. A witch.
I decided to give her an apt reply:
Ha, thanks.
Your profile is pretty hilarious as well. I'm, uhm, enchanted.
Plus you're hotter than a witch tightly tied to a piece of wood.
~$$~ Blessing of the Hummingbird ~$$~
Off to hell I go. Though luckily she'll be there.
you should tie her to the stake and fuck hr, i think.