since we are swapping ex stories...mine just can't seem to stay away despite the fact that he has a girlfriend. poor girl, i told her once he was cheating and she stayed with him. he's still messin, she's still clueless. and me.. can't say no to him. don't know why. don't like that i can't. roomies suck..i don't care how much money they are saving you, the sanity that you keep when you don't have one is worth its weight in gold. i'm scared mine (who is leaving at the end of the month) is gonna rip me off.. i was gonna say if you want a job where you don't have to be fake, bartent or cocktail, but ahh. you are not 21 yet.. that's a job where you get paid to be a smart ass (assuming you find the right bar to work in) and the money is better. AND I HEAR YA ABOUT MOVING! i'm all about getting the fuck outta here when i'm done with school!
you should definitely definitely send in pictures. you're super hot.