Im out in LA right now and I DONT want to go back to texass!!! I hate the heat and would give anything to be able to afford to move out here!! What do u do out there...where do u want to move to??
well shit. im back. all for quinne. and i see robin will have a new set soon, or atleast im hoping. FUCK. now how can i find all the girls ive missed/ HOLLA>
buh bye. im headed for KS tomorrow. will see my pregnant sister and my mother, fun fun. i heard the guy i cannot wait to see has moved to AZ with his girl, sad, sad.
we'll see thoguh, for sure. FUCK.
i better start packing. later
i was hoping to get the atlanta crew together sometime next week...on or around the 10th, so keep your calander open and let me know if you have any good ideas!
been a while. i like nala's movie. she's got a great body, so jealous.
friends of mine are in town tonite... will be fun. im sure ill just drink myself retarded as tomorrow is my only day off work.
ill be going to kansas soon to see my mom and sister, also old friends, so that ought to be nice. my sister is pregnant, which... Read More