The power is out across the whole campus and it's hardly even raining. Just tell her it hasn't been another Chad or Brad or <insert redundant high-baller meat-head name here> crashing into a converter box. If this is the way the end of the world begins, at least she's trapped in the clinic surrounded by antibiotics and doctors; having discovered her hives were infected this morning. Knots of tight painful flesh had kept her from comfortably walking for days but it was when she sunk a needle one quarter of an inch into one of the boils and it erupted in a dollop of lime green pus the size of her fingernail that she knew she had no choice but to wait around in a chair for a couple of hours, listening to jocks argue over their STD tests, for a nurse to prescribe her antibiotics and cortisone.
"This is big...this is big": An interesting thing to overhear. A girl is trapped in the elevator playing video games on her phone.
What a strange day to decide to bring the laptop to the hospital. She'd never done that before. A doctor jokes about her having light and he sounds reasonably superior to the other nurses as he tries to give them instructions on dealing with their clients. She decides that she will make saving him a priority should zombies crash the school yard.
Kendall to Pembrook Pines. Now West Palm and Kissimmee are down as well.... That's a hell of a spread. Something like 250 miles....
This is going to be a bad day.
"This is big...this is big": An interesting thing to overhear. A girl is trapped in the elevator playing video games on her phone.
What a strange day to decide to bring the laptop to the hospital. She'd never done that before. A doctor jokes about her having light and he sounds reasonably superior to the other nurses as he tries to give them instructions on dealing with their clients. She decides that she will make saving him a priority should zombies crash the school yard.
Kendall to Pembrook Pines. Now West Palm and Kissimmee are down as well.... That's a hell of a spread. Something like 250 miles....
This is going to be a bad day.