I am in serious pain, and my head especially aches... obviously I injured it to some degree in my wreck when Victor seized up and dumped me all over the road. I know this because my forehead is bleeding. Here it is, 7:30 in the morning and I should be in bed. 'Not so!' says the mutinous blob of chaos that rides me mule-like towards the sunset of my life. What can I say? I lead a glamorous lifestyle. The chicago boys and their homeless friends from keywest, which I assume I will speak of later... went back to keywest, or whatever province of imagination it is they came from, and I settled back into being an academically responsible person (or so the story should have gone). Today, I find myself bandaged and oozing. Only I (emphasis please) would, at 4 o'clock in the morning, find 2 car loads of people willing to pull over and help me pull my aching self out of the road and haul my scooter lot-ward by sheer brute strength. It had to be lifted as it's wheels were locked up. Matt, an apparently dexterous boy who doesn't even attend my school, asked me to go upstairs and fetch for him a wrench which he then used to fix Victor, at least to the point that he is ridable; though he still lacks front brakes (supposedly the back are more reliable anyway). I then spent the next 2 hours of my life at Denny's...hanging out with my newfound compatriots and bleeding all over the table. They have all joined me in hence forth declaring the substandard clotting ability of my own blood. God, as if having a retarded placebo immune system weren't bad enough. I only regret that I am supposed to be a nude model for a sculpting class and here I am, a scraped-up gooey shambles of a girl who can never seem to take proper care of her self... someone save me, geez. I am so tired of being injured...but I made new friends and I suppose that's what it's really all about. I only wish I didn't have blood and pus sliming all over my keyboard as I type. These My Little Pony band-aides just don't seem to be cutting it.

oh well.