Hmmm, I said I'd update more frequently, but...well, you know how it is... Therefore, let's back up a little shall we? We'll go back to Halloween because I'd like to share mine with you. I'd actually like to share this weekend with you as well but we'll save that for later on in the week when times get boring and I have nothing better to say, shall we? We shall.
I didn't have much in the way of a costume but there's always faerie wings of some variety or another chilling around the room as if shed by a colorful creature which is perpetually molting....this may also explain the strange liquids on my bedspread and glitter that gets behind my contacts and drives me into fits of watery-eyed madness.. like this guy:

So, my friend Liz called me:
Liz- Come to Justin's room. We're drinking already..Oh, and you can dress up if you want.
M- I don't really have a costume. But I have wings.
Liz- That's cool.
M- I have markers and sharpies too... want to draw on people?
Liz- I'll draw on you. That would be awesome.
What commenced with interesting quotes thrown in:

"This is totally performance art"

" I like this part on the leg. Like, I was really feeling it there."

"This silver is really burning my nipple you guys."

"Man, I really want to go sleep but I'm afraid of being murdered if I kick everyone out of the room."
I threw a few more into my photo album if anyone would like to see, including a shot of me about to get a kiss from a live snake. Go look... I'm ordering you!
Of course, it was all highly entertaining but the holiday King and Queen was undeniably Sippin', the bum, and Jessie, the trash bags he's knotted onto his stolen shopping cart (and what is with bums tying little plastic bags together anyway?).

I didn't have much in the way of a costume but there's always faerie wings of some variety or another chilling around the room as if shed by a colorful creature which is perpetually molting....this may also explain the strange liquids on my bedspread and glitter that gets behind my contacts and drives me into fits of watery-eyed madness.. like this guy:

So, my friend Liz called me:
Liz- Come to Justin's room. We're drinking already..Oh, and you can dress up if you want.
M- I don't really have a costume. But I have wings.
Liz- That's cool.
M- I have markers and sharpies too... want to draw on people?
Liz- I'll draw on you. That would be awesome.
What commenced with interesting quotes thrown in:

"This is totally performance art"

" I like this part on the leg. Like, I was really feeling it there."

"This silver is really burning my nipple you guys."

"Man, I really want to go sleep but I'm afraid of being murdered if I kick everyone out of the room."
I threw a few more into my photo album if anyone would like to see, including a shot of me about to get a kiss from a live snake. Go look... I'm ordering you!
Of course, it was all highly entertaining but the holiday King and Queen was undeniably Sippin', the bum, and Jessie, the trash bags he's knotted onto his stolen shopping cart (and what is with bums tying little plastic bags together anyway?).

my little pony?! yuck! you were sexier when i thought they were granny panties! haha and if i ever found out my grandma was wearing my little pony undergarments id keel over and die bc i couldnt possibly survive the visual that imminently follows the introduction of that sort of disturbing knowledge to my feeble subconscious, k pumpkin?