Well, I have a few things to say but it isn't really worth the effort as my account will probably be canceled very soon for nonpayment.
I am decidedly in the hole with the bank and no word yet on getting hired from any of the mutiple jobs I've applied for...my schedule is a little too difficult to work around me thinks. I've considered calling my mother up and asking her to put it on her card but, well... I have to wonder if she'll ask/look up Suicide Girls to find out what it is and this could be a delicate issue to broach with one's parents, yes? Ah, c'est la vie.... we shall see what happens and if nothing else...It was nice meeting all of you and if I should leave but then return as a Suicide Girl, I'll be looking you mother f''ers up. *kisses*

you could add me on myspace, the link is in my blog!
you will not go.. this i know