You May Drink Too Much

You have a little drinking problem on your hands - and you definitely should scale back.
And if scaling back doesn't seem possible, you may need some professional help!
Stupid quiz...
And who wants to know what gemstone they are on the inside, or frappaccino flavor, or type of cake anyway...or what puppy/sign/venereal desease your true love will be... Here's a very deeply involved and introspective question I would like this online generator of random code to answer me in an amalgamaton of verse, iambic pentameter meets haiku: Where the hell is the vodka? Because honestly, your blogthings page got me to thinking about it... and I haven't had a drink today... my blue psyche shall be very displeased if something doesn't happen soon to alleviate this situation. And according to another quiz on this page I " have that killer instinct lurking in you. And while you may not be actually cutting throats anytime soon...You certainly don't mind clawing your way to the top."
So watch out...
Actually, I am moderately lying, my righteous indignation not withstanding... The truth is I just went and bought Sangria from Publix. I also bought Monistat. This is the event that transpires:
Cashier: Um, o.k. That'll be $17.58.
Mel: Yeah, I know...wierd purchases, right?
Cashier: Oh, excuse me?
Mel: Look if you were in as much pain as I am, you'd want some cheap red wine too.
Crazy Lady in the Rear of Line: Amen, sistah!
Is this really my life? Shut up. I don't believe you.
yes. a goddamn thousand corpses trapped between my throat and nose
i just noticed that nudie pic was called "bad day." (i accidentally stumbled upon it
) why bad? it looks like it'd be a good day to me.