This is the continuation of my last post. However, I truly don't feel like reiterating it so I'll post it as I told a friend of mine in e-mail. Because I find things like that benignly intriguing, I'll give you the whole damn e-mail... you'll of course forgive me if I restate too much. It may improve the reading if you know that the boy I'm writing to did/does have a crush on me, that I have made the mistake of sleeping with him, and that currently we are fairly good friends. Somehow, I suppose, it all works out. He is 22, a lifeguard, and doing his internship to be a high-school english teacher...yes, if you are wondering... my proclivities/habits were a bit out of his league...but he had washboard abs. Enjoy.
"Hola kid... BTW, my roomie Jessie says you freaked her
out a bit when she first saw you in our doorway but
that afterwards she decided you seemed like a really
nice person. Considering she met you for all of 30
seconds, and she's kind of a jerk anyway, I'd take
that as a compliment.
Anyway, I'm soooo sick. I mean, I have the worst
summer-cold ever. However, interesting story... I took
some medicine that was probably illegal and in any
case not prescribed to ME specifically or for the cold
that I have and I made the mistake of taking it with
some Allegra-D. Allegra always keeps me up and last
night was no exception. At about 6 am I was still
awake but I had no outward sensations. I mean, I
couldn't feel anything! I was trying to work on a
picture but my hand kept shaking. I couldn't figure
out why and it was really annoying. Then my teeth
started chattering but, like I said, I couldn't feel
anything so I finally decided to take my own
temperature with a thermometer to figure out why I was
shaking everywhere. Turns out- my body temp was less
that 95 degrees! That's actually hypothermic! I
freaked out and was afraid to go to sleep alone so I
IMed a friend of mine who was online and he came and
got me and walked me to his room where they have an
extra bed in the common area. His roomie made me tea
and they set me straight with awesome blankets and
stuff. In the end, I warmed up, took a nap there, and
then could go back to my room but it was pretty scary
at first. I don't think I've ever felt so detatched
Oh well, Give me a call if you're here but I might not
be around...or if I am, I might be too ill to do much.
In any case, have fun doll and I'll see you when I see
you (hopefully, I'll be feeling better). "
BTW, they do have a bed in the common area but that's not where I slept.. tricky play in words, do you not agree? Not that I was well enough to enjoy sleeping next to anyone is still rather humorous to see how we choose to phrase things.
"Hola kid... BTW, my roomie Jessie says you freaked her
out a bit when she first saw you in our doorway but
that afterwards she decided you seemed like a really
nice person. Considering she met you for all of 30
seconds, and she's kind of a jerk anyway, I'd take
that as a compliment.

Anyway, I'm soooo sick. I mean, I have the worst
summer-cold ever. However, interesting story... I took
some medicine that was probably illegal and in any
case not prescribed to ME specifically or for the cold
that I have and I made the mistake of taking it with
some Allegra-D. Allegra always keeps me up and last
night was no exception. At about 6 am I was still
awake but I had no outward sensations. I mean, I
couldn't feel anything! I was trying to work on a
picture but my hand kept shaking. I couldn't figure
out why and it was really annoying. Then my teeth
started chattering but, like I said, I couldn't feel
anything so I finally decided to take my own
temperature with a thermometer to figure out why I was
shaking everywhere. Turns out- my body temp was less
that 95 degrees! That's actually hypothermic! I
freaked out and was afraid to go to sleep alone so I
IMed a friend of mine who was online and he came and
got me and walked me to his room where they have an
extra bed in the common area. His roomie made me tea
and they set me straight with awesome blankets and
stuff. In the end, I warmed up, took a nap there, and
then could go back to my room but it was pretty scary
at first. I don't think I've ever felt so detatched
Oh well, Give me a call if you're here but I might not
be around...or if I am, I might be too ill to do much.
In any case, have fun doll and I'll see you when I see
you (hopefully, I'll be feeling better). "
BTW, they do have a bed in the common area but that's not where I slept.. tricky play in words, do you not agree? Not that I was well enough to enjoy sleeping next to anyone is still rather humorous to see how we choose to phrase things.
I have problems, true....
And you'll likely never meet anyone I know but if it gives you incentive to visit me here or call me and invite me over then.. um, this weekend?