It is about 5 a.m. and I am not on the ground. More precisely, I am on the ground but can not feel it, therefore, as of this moment the ground does not exist. This is due to me having an incredibly horrific cold and no actual cold medicine. In my infinite rashness I devised a sort-of cold relief cocktail of my own. Allegra is an allergy medicine but antihistamine helps with runny noses so I took one. If you don't take Allegra-D often the Pseudoephedrine acts like a stimulant whose effects most closely resemble a 4 No-Doze shot with an adrenaline chaser...this is why I am up at 5 a.m. and why my mother lies every 6 months about having allergies so she can get another prescription. I then raided my stash of pills and came up with a bottle of penicillin. I had nearly tossed it aside before I realized there was an inscription on the side of the bottle in my own handwriting denoting that said bottle was not penicillin but a mysterious pain reliever which is good for migraines. These in combination with Zicam, in a spray bottle with a broken nozzle that I have been forced to drink rather than spray, have given me an incredibly mixed sensation of floating while grinding my teeth. I feel much better, but do not recommend this.
Also, rather than concentrate on something that requires a modicum of focusing ability, I have been playing around in front of my webcam. Low and behold, I am showing signs of aging!!! Look at that line by my mouth! Fuck...
It was so distressing that I immediately set about to correcting it in photoshop...
I became bored relatively quickly. Notice the enormous chickenpox scar on my forehead...Yeah. But seriously, that single alteration makes me a respectably sweet lolita, no? And so the truth comes out: I need to trade some of these indecent drug cocktails for black-market collagen.
Post script: Does anyone know where I can get the sheet music to Sister Winter by Sufjan Stevens? Just wondering....
Also, rather than concentrate on something that requires a modicum of focusing ability, I have been playing around in front of my webcam. Low and behold, I am showing signs of aging!!! Look at that line by my mouth! Fuck...

It was so distressing that I immediately set about to correcting it in photoshop...

I became bored relatively quickly. Notice the enormous chickenpox scar on my forehead...Yeah. But seriously, that single alteration makes me a respectably sweet lolita, no? And so the truth comes out: I need to trade some of these indecent drug cocktails for black-market collagen.
Post script: Does anyone know where I can get the sheet music to Sister Winter by Sufjan Stevens? Just wondering....
Get well soon
I just took some Benedryl for fear i would soon look like Wil Smith in Hitch after eating seafood. I am not sure what happened but woke up with little rash on my fingers and a strange tingling.. Odd huh.
Whatever you do, keep writing your journals make my day...