I must apologize for my absence. What with having a tiresome infection, being stuck at home for spring break, and basically coming to the realization that I am nothing if not dull and anti-social without alcohol (and a poor writer in such times to boot!) I have simply not had it in me to check in. However, I would hate to evince the sort of...
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(Well, I said I would explain the whole story but I've been a little remiss. Hey, I said I would fall asleep a few times in the middle.)
Episode 1~ My life is a fun house adventure filled with broken glass and old shoe boxes.
Personal factoid: I am a hypochondriac. This means if I get a cold, it's Tuberculosis. If I get a rash,...
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Episode 1~ My life is a fun house adventure filled with broken glass and old shoe boxes.
Personal factoid: I am a hypochondriac. This means if I get a cold, it's Tuberculosis. If I get a rash,...
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Oh my. The very prospect makes me sticky with glee.
we sure come up with imaginative was to have life go wrong and the strategies to address these and so little imaginative time of how life might go well and what we can do to make that happen...
does not get pussy. fuck.
does not get pussy. fuck.
So begins and ends another misadventure... a pretty girl is in my common room blow-drying her dreads while her dog is sleeping on my pink fuzzy rug wearing a service-dog vest that she made for him and managed to pawn off as the real deal. "He's an epileptic alert dog....just look up the policies on the American Disabilities website." But let's start from the beginning,...
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hey there, good to know you are alive and quiping
The power is out across the whole campus and it's hardly even raining. Just tell her it hasn't been another Chad or Brad or <insert redundant high-baller meat-head name here> crashing into a converter box. If this is the way the end of the world begins, at least she's trapped in the clinic surrounded by antibiotics and doctors; having discovered her hives were infected this...
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This is an e-mail I wrote to a friend of mine, someone on this site actually. So he gets to read it twice. But it sums up a lot of what I've been doing lately and I will explain it all later, I promise....
Dear world,
This is the end. Someone tell my mother I love her.
There was just too much of living to...
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Dear world,
This is the end. Someone tell my mother I love her.
There was just too much of living to...
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just glad you will explain
So you wanted to be a hero. Well, didn't everyone? But even when you were young you saw how hard being a hero was. That standing up for injustice, even small child-aged injustice, was a trying and ineffectual endeavor. A mere thimble against human error's entire factory of needles. In storybooks and dreams, heros occur as naturally as lightning through a series of inconceivable events,...
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a hero to me is the one courageous and crazy enough to believe in his/her dreams, as this is what the world is so afraid of and works so hard to break us of....
i am no hero but i admire those who are
i am no hero but i admire those who are
so how the heck are you now?
I am in serious pain, and my head especially aches... obviously I injured it to some degree in my wreck when Victor seized up and dumped me all over the road. I know this because my forehead is bleeding. Here it is, 7:30 in the morning and I should be in bed. 'Not so!' says the mutinous blob of chaos that rides me mule-like towards...
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i loved the my little ponies.
oh well.
oh well.
wow.. you looked like you lost that battle with the street.. you will get it next time.

I'm Not A Poet, I Just Sleep With Them
I spend too much fucking time hanging out with poets,
Artists and liars, and the breathing exemplifications of Parker's mythos
Concerning those who 'do things'; or dangling participles...
Something of the nature
Of a foreign language conjugated solely in verbs of indifference and sympathy;
Between which there lies a few bed sheets,
And dirty towels,
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I spend too much fucking time hanging out with poets,
Artists and liars, and the breathing exemplifications of Parker's mythos
Concerning those who 'do things'; or dangling participles...
Something of the nature
Of a foreign language conjugated solely in verbs of indifference and sympathy;
Between which there lies a few bed sheets,
And dirty towels,
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Mike Young and Petey shared a boyish ability to awaken quickly, rough house and play with enviable vitality, and within the blinking of an eye to pass back into a coma-like state mid-activity as 2 yr. old children do. Between shouting out of the windows, requesting My Chemical Romance on the stereo (a request that was denied all but once), dressing and undressing an enormous...
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I'm glad you're back. you're pretty goddamn cool.
great.... always a pleasure... sounds like,,, a time...

Hmmm, I said I'd update more frequently, but...well, you know how it is... Therefore, let's back up a little shall we? We'll go back to Halloween because I'd like to share mine with you. I'd actually like to share this weekend with you as well but we'll save that for later on in the week when times get boring and I have nothing better to...
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my little pony?! yuck! you were sexier when i thought they were granny panties! haha and if i ever found out my grandma was wearing my little pony undergarments id keel over and die bc i couldnt possibly survive the visual that imminently follows the introduction of that sort of disturbing knowledge to my feeble subconscious, k pumpkin?

Well! I am continuing the struggle for monetary enrichment but the lovely froggin, a true gentleman, has vowed an oath upon the sovereignty of friendship that here fair maidens may post freely without fear of profile abatement. Not that I aim to make him keep this promise but it gladdens my spirit regardless. Because he has made it known that he actually *gasp enjoys...
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I just love your writing style and your so well written ideas on paper... well, here.
I'm happy you're not going away... I mean, I'd still have you updated on MySpace, but I'd so miss you been around here.
I really hope you're doing fine... and, as always, love the cute face.
As for the book thing... it ALWAYS happens anywhere in the world.
I'm happy you're not going away... I mean, I'd still have you updated on MySpace, but I'd so miss you been around here.
I really hope you're doing fine... and, as always, love the cute face.
As for the book thing... it ALWAYS happens anywhere in the world.
ah.. you never disappoint... i am just sad i did not wait til the am so i could enjoy with my cup o java...
a gentleman keeps his word if for no other reason than it may be all his has that is of value...
ah.. you never disappoint... i am just sad i did not wait til the am so i could enjoy with my cup o java...

a gentleman keeps his word if for no other reason than it may be all his has that is of value...
...What kind of infection?