To the ass-hats down the street who are firing artillery shells, would you kindly stop as you are driving my 8lb dog bat-shit crazy and it is not New Years yet? Thank you
but she like to just lay under it too. Thats what shes doing right now..just laying under it. its when she decides she needs to attack it is when things get bad.
willy..yea, when it first came out (before i knew Stallone wrote and directed it), i was like, I bet someone sat down and said lets see how many big action stars and wrestlers i can manage in one movie with a couple a hot chicks and tons of blood, guts, explosions and guns.
im horny, but not particularly in the mood for sex
masturbation is too much like work because id have to get up to turn off the tv or mute it, and put my cat in another room. (i cant masturbate with her in the same room its just too weird. like im all into it and then i happen to look over only to find... Read More