~been listening to elliot smith this morning
~i was 30 min late to work this am
~ran out of chapstick again so i am using bonne bell razzleberry lip smackers
~it rained last night
~drinking my coffee with vanilla creamer
~i love vanilla air freshners
~today i am wearing my butt crack pants
~i really really want an sg hoodie
~i found this picture of my kitty and i miss her
~i took this picture of my friend tieia, and i love it!
~i'm sleepy
~my man built a paint booth at his bike shop and it's going to be awesome! i am so excited for him!
~the truck is finally in the shop and hopefully i will be driving it next week.....yay! so look out mother fuckers!! you better stay the hell out of my way!
~so what's new with you?

~i was 30 min late to work this am
~ran out of chapstick again so i am using bonne bell razzleberry lip smackers
~it rained last night
~drinking my coffee with vanilla creamer
~i love vanilla air freshners
~today i am wearing my butt crack pants
~i really really want an sg hoodie
~i found this picture of my kitty and i miss her
~i took this picture of my friend tieia, and i love it!
~i'm sleepy
~my man built a paint booth at his bike shop and it's going to be awesome! i am so excited for him!
~the truck is finally in the shop and hopefully i will be driving it next week.....yay! so look out mother fuckers!! you better stay the hell out of my way!
~so what's new with you?
~got up at 5 to deal with hungry critters
~now i am sleepy
~don't own "butt crack pants" but can pull mine down for full plumber's butt effect
~trying to cut down on my caffeine consumption
~failing miserably
~snowing like a mofo at my house this morning
~hope to ski this weekend
~watching a ski movie now
~too much to do
~too little time