alarm goes off, stupid songs roaring in my ear. shit! i'm late, it 7am. i jump in the shower in a hurry. i grab a zip lock bag and throw some frosted mini wheats in there....feed the dogs....feed the fish.....kiss my man, and run out the door.
i love this road! my windows are down, i hang my left hand out the window and my fingers surf through the cool air. my hair is still wet so it feels good when the wind whispers through it.
second, third.....45......50. i am surrounded by huge saguaro cacti on both sides of me. they stand tall as if they are saluting me when i cruise by. favorite hill is coming up and my fingers are still surfing through the desert air. i can see it in the distance......60. if i get enough speed i can catch some serious air......65. my heart starts racing a little, my once surfing fingers are now back on the steering wheel. this is it, i am going to really fly this time!
a grey caddilac pulls out from a hidden dirt road. i can see the drivers white fuzzy head barely peaking over the seat. 60....55....50.....40....third...sigh! someone always has to ruin my fun.
also, my house is infested with june bugs but it's august
i love this road! my windows are down, i hang my left hand out the window and my fingers surf through the cool air. my hair is still wet so it feels good when the wind whispers through it.
second, third.....45......50. i am surrounded by huge saguaro cacti on both sides of me. they stand tall as if they are saluting me when i cruise by. favorite hill is coming up and my fingers are still surfing through the desert air. i can see it in the distance......60. if i get enough speed i can catch some serious air......65. my heart starts racing a little, my once surfing fingers are now back on the steering wheel. this is it, i am going to really fly this time!
a grey caddilac pulls out from a hidden dirt road. i can see the drivers white fuzzy head barely peaking over the seat. 60....55....50.....40....third...sigh! someone always has to ruin my fun.
also, my house is infested with june bugs but it's august

Maybe youll fly tomorrow.....