listening to megadeath, symphony of destruction
tonight i am going to go see epiphany's band play at the club congress downtown. i will be hooking up with my friend crazyrick and i will be meeting Coliwali and rockoblm there. pictures will be taken, and many rum and cokes will be consumed.
you guys want to go?
it is cloudy and dark and thundering right now. i love it! days like today make me want to stay home in my pj's and slippers and watch movies.....damn job....ruins everything!
listening to megadeath, symphony of destruction

tonight i am going to go see epiphany's band play at the club congress downtown. i will be hooking up with my friend crazyrick and i will be meeting Coliwali and rockoblm there. pictures will be taken, and many rum and cokes will be consumed.

it is cloudy and dark and thundering right now. i love it! days like today make me want to stay home in my pj's and slippers and watch movies.....damn job....ruins everything!
[Edited on Aug 18, 2003]