dear asshole drivers,
when making a turn please turn your blinker on ahead of time, not 30 seconds before making the turn. also, when turning FUCKING STEP ON IT!!! what are you afraid of? is it scary to make a turn? one more thing, the sign on the freeway that says "slow traffic keep right" is not put there for your amusement only.
thank you
in other news:
i need to get out of my head, i need to get out of my skin, i need to get back in my head, i need to get back in my skin, why is she glaring at me? do I have something on my face? stop fucking staring at me! i have so much to do, i am tired, am i depressed?maybe I am depressed, not sure, can't sleep, i hate being alone in that dark house, did i remember my sneakers? shit..i left them at home. am i going to finish that website? i need inspiration, i need to finish my book, i need to buy a new book. groceries, groceries, groceries....need to go to the store, need to wash my car. i can't believe i left my dishes in the sink, they are just sitting there in the sink. shit....did i feed the fish? they are talking about me, i know it. what are they saying? i need to take more pictures. i hate my pictures. i need a better camera. i need to get out more, need to meet some new people. where did the time go? work, work, work.....always work. hope it isn't to hot today.
-these are things that go through my head
my tummy is peeling
i am changing my user name to ButterflyLady instead of butrflildy.....hope that's ok
when making a turn please turn your blinker on ahead of time, not 30 seconds before making the turn. also, when turning FUCKING STEP ON IT!!! what are you afraid of? is it scary to make a turn? one more thing, the sign on the freeway that says "slow traffic keep right" is not put there for your amusement only.
thank you
in other news:
i need to get out of my head, i need to get out of my skin, i need to get back in my head, i need to get back in my skin, why is she glaring at me? do I have something on my face? stop fucking staring at me! i have so much to do, i am tired, am i depressed?maybe I am depressed, not sure, can't sleep, i hate being alone in that dark house, did i remember my sneakers? shit..i left them at home. am i going to finish that website? i need inspiration, i need to finish my book, i need to buy a new book. groceries, groceries, groceries....need to go to the store, need to wash my car. i can't believe i left my dishes in the sink, they are just sitting there in the sink. shit....did i feed the fish? they are talking about me, i know it. what are they saying? i need to take more pictures. i hate my pictures. i need a better camera. i need to get out more, need to meet some new people. where did the time go? work, work, work.....always work. hope it isn't to hot today.
-these are things that go through my head
my tummy is peeling
i am changing my user name to ButterflyLady instead of butrflildy.....hope that's ok

"i'm creeping death!"