You know how you just have one of those days that you know you will remember forever. You will be listening to a song, or you will hear a certain thing that somebody says, and it will just take you back to that exact moment? I love days like that.
A long time ago when I was a confused teenager. My friends and I decided at 3am we were bored so we snuck into the minautrure golf place in downtown Vancouver, WA. My best friend just happened to have some pool sticks and a golf ball in his car. So we played pool golf until about 4am. When we were leaving the minature golf place we found a wallet on the ground. It had $20 in it and a gas card. So being the smart kids we were, we went to Denny's and had milkshakes and Moons over Myhammy (sp?) with his $20 bucks. We took the famous "Wally Waggon" to the gas station and filled it up and took off to Seattle. That is a day I will remember forever. Oh and we mailed the guys wallet back to him with a thank you letter
and I believe I was grounded for a very long time after that seeing I didn't come home for a couple of days.
A very good friend of ours is visiting from Portland this weekend. We all went for a motorcylce ride yesterday. He is convinced that if you rub a tube of chapstick all over your face it works just as good as sunscreen. So his tube of chapstick is all black and dirty now.....nice
I am thinking I should have tried that.
Anyway, yesterday was an excellent day. I must go tend to my sunburn now.
A long time ago when I was a confused teenager. My friends and I decided at 3am we were bored so we snuck into the minautrure golf place in downtown Vancouver, WA. My best friend just happened to have some pool sticks and a golf ball in his car. So we played pool golf until about 4am. When we were leaving the minature golf place we found a wallet on the ground. It had $20 in it and a gas card. So being the smart kids we were, we went to Denny's and had milkshakes and Moons over Myhammy (sp?) with his $20 bucks. We took the famous "Wally Waggon" to the gas station and filled it up and took off to Seattle. That is a day I will remember forever. Oh and we mailed the guys wallet back to him with a thank you letter

A very good friend of ours is visiting from Portland this weekend. We all went for a motorcylce ride yesterday. He is convinced that if you rub a tube of chapstick all over your face it works just as good as sunscreen. So his tube of chapstick is all black and dirty now.....nice

Anyway, yesterday was an excellent day. I must go tend to my sunburn now.
Thats a funny teenage story btw....