I'm so bored. I don't mean right this second, I mean in general. Too much work, not enough fun. I've been working every day for weeks. Work has been crazy. just when there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the girl who works for me has to leave unexpectedly and now I'm doing her job, my job, and training a new employee. Now, a bit of perspective.
The girl who works for me left to be with her father who is having surgery on his lungs. That is worse than being a bit bored, or overworked. I do have my health.
I'm so stupid, and scatterbrained I've managed to overpay 2 of my credit card bills. I didn't pay the wrong bills, I think I paid these ones twice. I'm carrying negative balances. Do they owe me money? Can I charge them finance charges? I should look in to that.
I need a nice ritual to destress after the day. other than watching tv until I fall asleep. Because I can watch ALOT of TV before I fall asleep. Maybe a little meditation, or yoga or some shit like that.
I've been really getting into those energy drinks like red bull, and amp. but they seem to have already lost their effectiveness. I'v grown imune to their powers.
I think Tom Cruise is all wrong for Katie Holmes. She needs agiy who won't try to change her. Change her into a man. I don't know. I'm working on my Tom Cruise material.
I'm so bored. I don't mean right this second, I mean in general. Too much work, not enough fun. I've been working every day for weeks. Work has been crazy. just when there was a light at the end of the tunnel, the girl who works for me has to leave unexpectedly and now I'm doing her job, my job, and training a new employee. Now, a bit of perspective.
The girl who works for me left to be with her father who is having surgery on his lungs. That is worse than being a bit bored, or overworked. I do have my health.
I'm so stupid, and scatterbrained I've managed to overpay 2 of my credit card bills. I didn't pay the wrong bills, I think I paid these ones twice. I'm carrying negative balances. Do they owe me money? Can I charge them finance charges? I should look in to that.
I need a nice ritual to destress after the day. other than watching tv until I fall asleep. Because I can watch ALOT of TV before I fall asleep. Maybe a little meditation, or yoga or some shit like that.
I've been really getting into those energy drinks like red bull, and amp. but they seem to have already lost their effectiveness. I'v grown imune to their powers.
I think Tom Cruise is all wrong for Katie Holmes. She needs agiy who won't try to change her. Change her into a man. I don't know. I'm working on my Tom Cruise material.
now, i think he's nuts.