A woman was thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight for wearing a t-shirt that said "Meet the Fuckers" on it and had pictures of Bush, cheney, Condi, and somebody else. So, I know that the plane is a privately owned business. and I know your first ammendment rights aren't protected in a private bestablishment. But aren't airlines regulated by the federal government. and not just...
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I recall that one guy was kicked off a flight for having a book with a picture of a nuclear bomb exploding on the front. Odd, odd world.
I read that thing on Tshirt Hell about the free transportation. You guys kick so much fucking ass. <3
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
I want to say something profound about the Hurricane and the aftermath in New Orleans but I don't think I have anything new to say.
In particular, I hate to comment on the racial overtones because I'm always concerned about Whitey making a case for racism.
I don't think the government delayed because New Orleans was predominantly black. However, I do think that private citizens...
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In particular, I hate to comment on the racial overtones because I'm always concerned about Whitey making a case for racism.
I don't think the government delayed because New Orleans was predominantly black. However, I do think that private citizens...
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"If you are not already a professional model you should seriously consider it. You ave an amazing expressive face. ooo aaa"
thank you!! projectvivid.com .. Im trying to be one. =)
thank you!! projectvivid.com .. Im trying to be one. =)
I sent in another photo to you guys. Enjoy <3
OMG I don't even talk like that but I feel the need to.
I saw the 40 Year Old Virgin on Friday and it was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. I laughed like a retard. Now a word of caution, my wife did not think it was funny at all. she sat there stonefaced. and my wife has a pretty good...
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I saw the 40 Year Old Virgin on Friday and it was the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. I laughed like a retard. Now a word of caution, my wife did not think it was funny at all. she sat there stonefaced. and my wife has a pretty good...
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i'm impressed that you read a book in one sitting. there might have been a time when i used to do that ... i have to admit, the wife & i are both pretty leisurely readers. especially anymore.
my camera is somewhere in a box, and the USB cable is in a bag. the shirts are either in boxes or a bag. i sleep in an apartment and my stuff is in a house on the other side of town.
it's been this way for all but about a week of the past six or so months...
except for the time that my camera and/or USB cable was a hundred and ten miles away, of course.
one day i'll have to tell you my story.
it's been this way for all but about a week of the past six or so months...
except for the time that my camera and/or USB cable was a hundred and ten miles away, of course.
one day i'll have to tell you my story.
I have ants in my kitchen. But I can't put down poison because I don't want to hurt my dog. So I've started pouring "Sweet & Low" on the floor. Now the ants will die slowly of cancer. That will teach the bastards.
I keep seeing previews for the new TV show "The Ghost Whisperer" with Jennifer Love Hewitt where she is the only person...
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I keep seeing previews for the new TV show "The Ghost Whisperer" with Jennifer Love Hewitt where she is the only person...
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i used to call jennifer love hewitt "that cleavage girl" - it seemed whenever she was on on TV, she was wearing a low cut blouse and bending over a lot. often while wet.
i mean, i'm not complaining per say ... but that shit is hardly deep method.
i mean, i'm not complaining per say ... but that shit is hardly deep method.

whoa. it's like we commented at the same time, yet independently....
first off - sheehan, i was *not* aware of antisemitic comments coming out of her. can you expand? i'm intrigued by that.
second - marketing to kids and power rangers and shit. i have nothing serious to respond with from you story - though it was really interesting. my only thought is this: i know that the shows i watched as a kid (transformers, gobots, heman, thundercats, gijoe, silver hawks etc) were ALSO just elaborate commercials. yet, through the fog of nostalgia, i remember these as *quality* shows. in some ways, i do think that at least those shows were less obvious. i mean, pokemon: the point of the show (gotta catch em all!) is to BUY the damn things. that's the plot. at least tranformers fought for justice or something and had explosions.
first off - sheehan, i was *not* aware of antisemitic comments coming out of her. can you expand? i'm intrigued by that.
second - marketing to kids and power rangers and shit. i have nothing serious to respond with from you story - though it was really interesting. my only thought is this: i know that the shows i watched as a kid (transformers, gobots, heman, thundercats, gijoe, silver hawks etc) were ALSO just elaborate commercials. yet, through the fog of nostalgia, i remember these as *quality* shows. in some ways, i do think that at least those shows were less obvious. i mean, pokemon: the point of the show (gotta catch em all!) is to BUY the damn things. that's the plot. at least tranformers fought for justice or something and had explosions.

I know that I only have around 3 or 4 people who read my journal and it's really a shame for so many people in suicide Girls to be missing out. I'm terrifically entertaining. Unless there are a lot of people reading it but not leaving comments. For instance, I often read Voltaires journal. OK, I read her journal religiously. I find her life to...
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you really remember a lot of your dreams ... i never remember crap. or just an image - usually all jumbled. my wife can recall the whole plot of her dreams too...
thanks for commenting on my set dear!
I'm working on an essay that is only half tongue in cheek.
You may have a hard time believing this, but I have an excellent relationship with God. I know you probably think Im an atheist, but nothing could be further from the truth.
See, the problem with most people is they have no idea how to have a relationship with God. Thats because theyre...
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You may have a hard time believing this, but I have an excellent relationship with God. I know you probably think Im an atheist, but nothing could be further from the truth.
See, the problem with most people is they have no idea how to have a relationship with God. Thats because theyre...
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Did... I read that right? $1000 and 10 free shirts? Damn.. i should have waited XD!!!
You can't take me seriously anymore because you've seen me naked?!?!
I want to still be friends!
Oh, and I have a REALLY great idea for my next entry into you guys. You are going to love me XD!!!
I want to still be friends!
Oh, and I have a REALLY great idea for my next entry into you guys. You are going to love me XD!!!
It has been too long.
I have been super busy at work training 2 new hellions. Finally amoment's peace. I just wanted to vent about my newest outrage.
There's an old joke. A man is at his house and his neighbor pulls up and says, "there's going to be a flood. Come with me and I'll drive you to safety" And the man says, "God...
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I have been super busy at work training 2 new hellions. Finally amoment's peace. I just wanted to vent about my newest outrage.
There's an old joke. A man is at his house and his neighbor pulls up and says, "there's going to be a flood. Come with me and I'll drive you to safety" And the man says, "God...
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people and babies - man are they weird. a lot of my (old high school) friends are having babies now. pretty soon i'll have to start having those discussions where i defend my free swinging graduate student lifestyle.
by & by, you're right - not enough people adopt. i'm all for technological progress and what it can do to make the world a better place. and i can *understand* why a couple would want their old child, or why a woman would want to carry their own child. there are affective and logical reasons why we could see this. but i DO think people could stand to be a bit more open minded...

by & by, you're right - not enough people adopt. i'm all for technological progress and what it can do to make the world a better place. and i can *understand* why a couple would want their old child, or why a woman would want to carry their own child. there are affective and logical reasons why we could see this. but i DO think people could stand to be a bit more open minded...
i have my camera... but no USB card to get the damned pics onto my computer, so i haven't bothered. when i get to my parent's house to get the cord i'll do pics. ugh. i'm so pissed. i also owe everyone a mini-set on my SG account so that the wait for my real pics won't seem so long

I got a spam email today, at least I hope it was random spam, offering to iincrease the length of my penis by 4-5 inches.
4-5 inches? Now, I may not have the most impressive member, but 4-5 inches seems to border on dangerous. I mean, isn't that the equivalent of telling a woman she's going to increase her bust size by 4-5 cup sizes?...
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4-5 inches? Now, I may not have the most impressive member, but 4-5 inches seems to border on dangerous. I mean, isn't that the equivalent of telling a woman she's going to increase her bust size by 4-5 cup sizes?...
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I especially love how my wife gets the penis enhancement emails and I get the breast enhancement ones.
The really really sad thing is that these commercials can only exist because somewhere someone buys into them.
The really really sad thing is that these commercials can only exist because somewhere someone buys into them.
they should sell "good in bed" pills. fuck how big the penis is...
it's all about how well the guy can use it.
i'd elaborate but, well, go look at my journal.
it's all about how well the guy can use it.
i'd elaborate but, well, go look at my journal.

I saw Batman Begins tonight, and it is AWESOME. I don't use that word lightly. I went in with mixed expectations. I love Batman. I read the comics, I watched the old live action tv show, I really liked the first 2 movies. When I saw the 4th movie people were walking out, and I saw it on a plane. (ba dump dump) No seriously...
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Awwww whoever showed up LOL!!!!! He is still a cutie!
i in fact DID see this movie this weekend! i was TOTALLY blown away ... sometimes bale's "batman voice" didn't fully work for me. but i TOTALLY loved how straight they played the movie.
one of my favorite parts was the katie holmes/christian bale dynamic. some people have complained that this is an "obligatory" love story, but it seemed better handled than in the other "batman" movies. what made it work was that bale is pretty much never really interested - he's batman, and he's dedicated to that. so the love story isn't there just b/c it's required to have a female lead in a big hollywood movie - it works to show us a bit how batman's head works. i liked it.
one of my favorite parts was the katie holmes/christian bale dynamic. some people have complained that this is an "obligatory" love story, but it seemed better handled than in the other "batman" movies. what made it work was that bale is pretty much never really interested - he's batman, and he's dedicated to that. so the love story isn't there just b/c it's required to have a female lead in a big hollywood movie - it works to show us a bit how batman's head works. i liked it.
I hate Suicide. Not the girls, and not the act. If you want to kill yourself, that's your business. as long as you don't endanger other people. Don't jump off anything and land on people, or put yourself somewhere dangerous where people have to rescue you. anyway, my point was, I hate suicide as a designation for hot wings. Hot wings, or buffalo wings areone...
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i hate hot wings.
or chicken on a bone in general.
i've always wondered where buffalo wings came from. what part of the chicken is that? the wings of very small chickens? it's like chinese food. maybe it's not chicken, maybe it really is buffalo, or cat, or some other equally cute furry creature.
hope you didn't lose too many brain cells with that one.
or chicken on a bone in general.
i've always wondered where buffalo wings came from. what part of the chicken is that? the wings of very small chickens? it's like chinese food. maybe it's not chicken, maybe it really is buffalo, or cat, or some other equally cute furry creature.
hope you didn't lose too many brain cells with that one.
i think our dogs might be related!!
thanks for the nice comments on my set

i think our dogs might be related!!

thanks for the nice comments on my set

I have been working like a dog. All kinds of hours 24/7. I get up. I have something to eat. I work. I walk the dog. I work some more. I walk the dog. I work some more. I walk the dog. I work. I walk the dog. Yes, I am very good to my dog. Except when he barks at me when I'm on...
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What about William S. Burroughs?
the dog is camera shy eh? he values his *priv-acy"
yup, the quad cities IS a real place. not a lot of folks have heard of it. more people know the individual cities (rock island and moline in illinois, davenport and bettendorf in iowa) than the entity "quad cities." it's an al right place - better than it deserves to be, given the number of industrial factories that have closed up in recent years.

yup, the quad cities IS a real place. not a lot of folks have heard of it. more people know the individual cities (rock island and moline in illinois, davenport and bettendorf in iowa) than the entity "quad cities." it's an al right place - better than it deserves to be, given the number of industrial factories that have closed up in recent years.