Image: My dear sweet Puffin. My logo, my drive, my reminder to keep strong!
Sooooo.... relaxing in bed contemplating my upcoming week off!!! So utterly excited to have more then 2 days off in a row. It feels like it has been YEARS!
I have realized that I should utilize this time I have.... I have been working on trying to get my online portfolio up and running... I have THOUSANDS! of photos.... I want to share them with you all! So that you can enjoy them as much as I do... I look forward to your thoughts and input on them, feel free.
Sooooo.... I think that I am going to set a LAUNCH DATE!!!.... It has been a long time coming and I just have to commit to getting it done so I can more forward.
I already look at these photos I have done in the past and think of things I would like to change... but... you can't... It shows growth, development... the developing of the eye... It is an amazing sight to be seen..
So when is this Launch Date you ask?.... I'll let you know when I do...
To Go BaCk To ThE bEgInNiNg... BaCk To ThE sTaRt!
I ♥ the Puffin!