Tonight at the Viper Room all the worries of the day will be washed away, if only for a little while. Jimmy Gnecco's voice will glitter in the darkness of that room. And I'll just try to stay positive, and have hope that our dreams of love and forever will come true in spite of all the madness in this world.
We offhandedly spoke about the war one night, and Brian said, "As long as we're around long enough to get married ... I just want to marry you first."
I'll be thinking about that tonight. Its what brings me peace.
Ill open my eyes, and a new day will come
Ill see Red Colored Stars in the sky and in your eyes
Fast away the ugly, just one more bill to pay
All the past will be moon dust that flies, from where we lay
I can feel it, I can feel
Red Colored Stars in my hands are the stones that were cast
They left us with scars, reminders
Theres a wall in my way, theres a war in my way
Tales of love that consumed me
Hide from the fight
Im a slave in my head, Im awake in my bed
Tell the worms they can soon eat tonight, eat tonight
I can feel
Red Colored Stars in my hands are the stones that were cast
They left us with scars, reminders
Can you feel it?
Can you feel it?
Sleep, theres a wall in my way
Theres a war in my way
Sleep, theres a wall in my way
Theres a war in my head
Start our cars and be around, theres room enough for you and me
When the sun comes up, well leave them down and stare into the dream
Red Colored Stars in my hands are the stones that were cast
They left us with scars, reminders
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it - Ours