"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
Then I guess I must be Satan.
So Brian and I were going out to sushi the other night. The restaurant is located about 8 or 10 blocks from our place. We planned to stop at the store afterwards, so we were going to take my car. In fact, we most always take the car when we go out. We're just not "walkers" per se. Anyway, so we're walking to the car and we pass a couple of our hippie neighbors who are sitting outside talking. They say "hello" and ask where we're off to, and we tell them.
Then one of them asks, "Which sushi place?"
We tell them that it's the one nearest to us.
"And you're taking the car?!" she says aghast.
I answer "yes" and they both launch into a tirade asking whether we support the war, and how we should just walk there, and how it's not that far, on and on and on...
Let me get something straight. Just because I drive a fucking car (which happens to be an ECONOMY car no less!) doesn't mean I support the war and it doesn't mean I don't if I walk.
You fucking nosey ingrates with your god damned issues, man. I understand causes, and I understand activism, and I understand protests, and the motivations behind all of this. I think peace is a good thing, of course I do. Of course I'm concerned. Even though I choose to be less informed than most. But god dammit, that's MY choice. Get a clue already! Suddenly, I support the war simply because I drive!??! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!
I just want to be happy.
I just want to live my life.
I just want to be unafraid.
I just want to love my friends
...and my family
...and my animals.
I don't need to have a "cause" to feel like an American.
Is that so bad?
Then I guess I must be Satan.
So Brian and I were going out to sushi the other night. The restaurant is located about 8 or 10 blocks from our place. We planned to stop at the store afterwards, so we were going to take my car. In fact, we most always take the car when we go out. We're just not "walkers" per se. Anyway, so we're walking to the car and we pass a couple of our hippie neighbors who are sitting outside talking. They say "hello" and ask where we're off to, and we tell them.
Then one of them asks, "Which sushi place?"
We tell them that it's the one nearest to us.
"And you're taking the car?!" she says aghast.
I answer "yes" and they both launch into a tirade asking whether we support the war, and how we should just walk there, and how it's not that far, on and on and on...
Let me get something straight. Just because I drive a fucking car (which happens to be an ECONOMY car no less!) doesn't mean I support the war and it doesn't mean I don't if I walk.
You fucking nosey ingrates with your god damned issues, man. I understand causes, and I understand activism, and I understand protests, and the motivations behind all of this. I think peace is a good thing, of course I do. Of course I'm concerned. Even though I choose to be less informed than most. But god dammit, that's MY choice. Get a clue already! Suddenly, I support the war simply because I drive!??! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!
I just want to be happy.
I just want to live my life.
I just want to be unafraid.
I just want to love my friends
...and my family
...and my animals.
I don't need to have a "cause" to feel like an American.
Is that so bad?
love the corset. this war stuff makes me very horny. is that weird?