If you know anything about me at all, you know that I am completely, utterly, paralyzingly phobic about going to the dentist. You know that I have very regular, recurring nightmares about teeth and loose teeth and teeth falling out and huge wads of chewed bubble gum that I can't get out of my mouth and so my teeth begin coming out with the huge wads of gum and all the rest. You know that I have always been petrified of anything even remotely related to the dentist - including movies, television programs aimed at educating the viewer on "proper dental hygiene", animal dentistry, plastic surgery relating to anything in or around the mouth, and especially those wicked people who came around to elementary schools forcing us to chew those rancid, bright red tablets that left the "unbrushed" areas of your teeth all aglow for the rest of the students to make fun of.
*inhales deeply*
You know that I am the one who hasn't visited the dentist for any reason, [no, not even for a cavity] for longer than I am capable of remembering with any clarity whatsoever. You know that I am so absolutely terrified of the dentist that I would do anything and everything, suffer through whatever I had to, to avoid having to go. This fear is crippling to me. So crippling that I was told by my mother that I actually bit a dentist once! On top of all this; I have a horrendously sensitive gag reflex. Hell, I even have trouble swallowing aspirin!
Well, guess what kids? I have a dentist appointment.
September 11th.
*inhales deeply*
You know that I am the one who hasn't visited the dentist for any reason, [no, not even for a cavity] for longer than I am capable of remembering with any clarity whatsoever. You know that I am so absolutely terrified of the dentist that I would do anything and everything, suffer through whatever I had to, to avoid having to go. This fear is crippling to me. So crippling that I was told by my mother that I actually bit a dentist once! On top of all this; I have a horrendously sensitive gag reflex. Hell, I even have trouble swallowing aspirin!
Well, guess what kids? I have a dentist appointment.
September 11th.
P.S. Bite the dentist for me .
But I have to admit, the tooth tickler is a thing of horrible nightmares, with that nasty gritty toothpaste shit. But I've learned to kind of unplug and zone when the nasty shit happens.
p.s. nice animated gif.