WOW I had a big day. I got woken up at FIVE in the damn morning and got dragged out to the adoption event at the farmer's market. It was chaos. CHAOS. All the other dogs were jumping and barking and carrying on...bunch of attention whores...anyhow, bean and Shalome walked up, and I knew they were the humans for me. We went for a walk and I was trying to be on my best behavior. I started to growl at a couple gigantic beast-dogs but caught myself and kept my cool. I don't think the humans really noticed.
They carried me around for a bit after that while they talked to Bonnie, the nice lady who was taking care of me until today, and then took me away in their car. It was pretty chill. They bought me a bunch of stuff, even though I pretended I wasn't interested in anything. Suckers.
I think I'm going to like it here. I've got them giving me treats and carrying me across streets, and they let me sleep as much as I want which, after the day I've had, is a LOT.
K, time for a nap.
Nice to meet you all!

They carried me around for a bit after that while they talked to Bonnie, the nice lady who was taking care of me until today, and then took me away in their car. It was pretty chill. They bought me a bunch of stuff, even though I pretended I wasn't interested in anything. Suckers.
I think I'm going to like it here. I've got them giving me treats and carrying me across streets, and they let me sleep as much as I want which, after the day I've had, is a LOT.
K, time for a nap.
Nice to meet you all!

[Edited on Dec 10, 2005 9:52AM]