Ok , it has been awhile since an update. I have been on leave the past week, mostly because for the two weeks after that i was working 18 hour days because it seemed that no one else was capable of the repairs...so was a long two weekjs to say the least. The break is helping though.
Ever had someone you don't care for latch onto you emotionally and not let go? Like a leech....And no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get it through thier thick skulls that you don't want them in any way, shape, or form, but yet they are convinced they can make you love them...there has to be some sort of method to stop this...homicide sounds good....
3 months left in the Navy...I can do this...
Ever had someone you don't care for latch onto you emotionally and not let go? Like a leech....And no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get it through thier thick skulls that you don't want them in any way, shape, or form, but yet they are convinced they can make you love them...there has to be some sort of method to stop this...homicide sounds good....
3 months left in the Navy...I can do this...