Here I am, drunk and a little depressed. It's a bit hard going from living within a few feet of your friends to going to knowing no one at all in a city you've never been to. the lonliness kind of sinks in and just makes you melancholy. Seeing happy couples, wether straight or gay, doesn't help either. Just reminds you of how alone you really are. I am sure it will get better but for now I am left twiddling my thumbs.
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Monday May 16, 2005
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Saturday May 14, 2005
Ever notice when watching certain movies, there is sometimes a part t… -
Friday May 13, 2005
Quiet Riot and Skid Row were great live, I just wish Sebastian Bach … -
Thursday May 12, 2005
3 weeks left. Time to see if I can suceed as a civilian, or live in a… -
Monday Mar 28, 2005
Ok , it has been awhile since an update. I have been on leave the pas… -
Monday Mar 07, 2005
OK update on last three days.... Sunday - Finally got the damn cab… -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Note to self : Never wear a watch around someone who can do sleight o… -
Friday Mar 04, 2005
Sleepy.....PT waste of time....muscles hurt....need sleepy... -
Thursday Mar 03, 2005
Forgot someone.... Thistle - Take care of that penguin! -
Thursday Mar 03, 2005
Ok entry two, take one, ACTION! If my life were a movie, I'd want …
i hope you are feeling a little better honey....if i lived closer i would totally come to see you!!