Too often we don't realize
what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say......
Here's my new baby in the shop wooohoo
Cheers to all my mates out there

what we have until it is gone;
Too often we wait too late to say......
Here's my new baby in the shop wooohoo

Cheers to all my mates out there

1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these questions there soon ...
alcohol is ok
Single malt whiskey
Making music
Music teacher
2 Horses , 2 shitzu's & 2 cats ( all pairs )