I liked it its very good for a first set... Photo is good, lighting is ok a bit too harsh if something, the outfit was meh.. but that got sorted out at the end
props = awesome! heheh I don't get the transition from "im playing with mr potato head", to "im naked", would have been great if you gave a strip tease to mr potatohead for example BUT as i said is a good first set

ok this is gonna sound weird but.. did you steal grumpy cat 

or own grumpy cat 
cause i swear to glob that kitty in your profile picture is grumpy cat or a deceptively close look alike in any case making you bar none the coolest person on this site 

ps you are total babe-a-tron from the planet babe-a-tronosis
or in normal people talk you are exceptional gorgeous and very beautiful stunning lady muuucchhoo looveeiiioo