omg its hotttt even the dogs are like um no thanks we will stay inside....but i love the heat so im all super stoked....also the mrs. got a new job offer today woo hooo. good bye harper collins hello Manga....her job at harper suuuuuuucccccccccttttttttttt. well the job itself didnt. but her over acheiving ritalin popping boss was making her life a living hell. like black berry alerts at 10 at night wtf...anyway those days are gone so happy happy for just waiting for her to come home so we can barbymacue and celebrate....
things fine with me business is well dogs are well, photography skillz improving and i am getting more focused on what i actually want to do.
things fine with me business is well dogs are well, photography skillz improving and i am getting more focused on what i actually want to do.
And thank you SO much for the lovely comment on my set!!!