Where's arachne? I never got to say good-bye
So it appears I have to wait another week to find out if I'll have a new job to go to in June. Great...just great.
I finally managed to track down the executive producer this past Tuesday after two days of phone tag. He apologized to me numerous times for neglecting to return my calls yesterday, due to unexpected chaos resulting from a music video produced for a conference this past week-end. He also thanked me for "keeping on his ass", and said my persistence was the sort of quality he was looking for in a producer. He lavished me with more flattering comments, stating that he has yet to meet anyone else who has impressed him as much as I have (I swear I'm not making this up), and how he would prefer someone like me because he's tired of dealing with snotty 21 year-olds who try to tell him how to run his company. Having said all that, business is business, and more applicants need to interviewed. He said he would personally call me in two weeks time, then encouraged me to phone him again if prevailing circumstances recurr. He also said something like "never apologize for phoning me and keeping on my ass, I appreciate it", so that made me feel more reassured about my approach in handling this matter. In order to make it a fair process of elimination, he has to arrange a second interview for me to meet the other two partners, so if they're still undecided in two weeks, that may happen. Rest assured, I will continue to "keep on his ass" and hope that it pays off.
My week-end has been pretty quiet, I've spent it entirely on my own. I'm jonsing for company now.

So it appears I have to wait another week to find out if I'll have a new job to go to in June. Great...just great.
I finally managed to track down the executive producer this past Tuesday after two days of phone tag. He apologized to me numerous times for neglecting to return my calls yesterday, due to unexpected chaos resulting from a music video produced for a conference this past week-end. He also thanked me for "keeping on his ass", and said my persistence was the sort of quality he was looking for in a producer. He lavished me with more flattering comments, stating that he has yet to meet anyone else who has impressed him as much as I have (I swear I'm not making this up), and how he would prefer someone like me because he's tired of dealing with snotty 21 year-olds who try to tell him how to run his company. Having said all that, business is business, and more applicants need to interviewed. He said he would personally call me in two weeks time, then encouraged me to phone him again if prevailing circumstances recurr. He also said something like "never apologize for phoning me and keeping on my ass, I appreciate it", so that made me feel more reassured about my approach in handling this matter. In order to make it a fair process of elimination, he has to arrange a second interview for me to meet the other two partners, so if they're still undecided in two weeks, that may happen. Rest assured, I will continue to "keep on his ass" and hope that it pays off.
My week-end has been pretty quiet, I've spent it entirely on my own. I'm jonsing for company now.

Coolness for the show.
Have yourself a much relaxing week-end sweetie