If this photo-linking business has taught me anything, it's that I should set up a Fotolog account. It will probably make uploading pics directly to my journal entries much easier. It appears I'm not the only one here in SG land who has problems with this, so that makes me feel less incompetent. Anyway, if you wanna see the goofy pic of me, check out the Random Shtuff folder under my pics section. It's good for a larf.
I had an interview at a local media company which specializes in commercials and music videos yesterday. The Executive Producer responded to my resume one day after I sent it via email. When I met with him, he said he was "intrigued" by my resume, and handed me the floor. We chatted for about a good hour, and have me gave me some very positive feedback which had me whistling and bouncing on my way out after we finished. I'll find out on May 9th whether or not this Line Producing job is mine. Either way, I'm very happy I was granted this opportunity. I am especially thankful to Mr. Exec Producer for boosting my confidence levels! Fingers crossed that May 9th will spearhead some much needed career advancement!
Not much else to report at this moment in time. I'm returning to the home-town this week-end for a friend's party, and to see the fam as usual. Looking forward it.
Anyhooties my Babies, Princess needs her beauty rest. Happy week-end to all, and I will be a chattin' witchyas soon!
Smooches and slurps,
I had an interview at a local media company which specializes in commercials and music videos yesterday. The Executive Producer responded to my resume one day after I sent it via email. When I met with him, he said he was "intrigued" by my resume, and handed me the floor. We chatted for about a good hour, and have me gave me some very positive feedback which had me whistling and bouncing on my way out after we finished. I'll find out on May 9th whether or not this Line Producing job is mine. Either way, I'm very happy I was granted this opportunity. I am especially thankful to Mr. Exec Producer for boosting my confidence levels! Fingers crossed that May 9th will spearhead some much needed career advancement!
Not much else to report at this moment in time. I'm returning to the home-town this week-end for a friend's party, and to see the fam as usual. Looking forward it.
Anyhooties my Babies, Princess needs her beauty rest. Happy week-end to all, and I will be a chattin' witchyas soon!
Smooches and slurps,

Allas bills and responsibilities were calling me back, this adult business is work I tell ya
Welp have yourself a killer week-end girl
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev
[Edited on May 06, 2005 6:32PM]
just wanted to say I'm alive, I'm good, & I'll write more soon (didn't want you to worry). Oh, & hook a brotha up when you learn the phat pic-posting skillz (my last entry WOULD'VE been hilarious...).
Always with love,
P.S. - Dig the helmet.