It finally happened.
After weeks of silence, I accidentally ran into the coward. He really didn't have much to say for himself, he just kept shaking his head saying "I'm sorry...I really don't know what else to say"
I question the genuineness of the apologies. One of many things I learned about said ex-lover is that he is the type of person who always has to appear to be the nice, likeable guy.
"Perhaps I could have handled things differently...You deserve better than that"
Something tells me he files these phrases under "Appeasement" for easy access.
I could go off on another tangent about my lingering bitterness, but I've expressed enough negativity about him in my journals. It's time to focus on the positive
I was able to re-claim power in this situation merely by coming face-to-face with him. The conversation was civil, but I still stood by the sentiments I originally expressed through written word nearly two months ago. I told him how much he hurt me. I told him his avoidant behaviour was completely unneccessary, as I am far more reasonable than what his actions have hitherto suggested. I can recall several moments where his stewing arrogance would surface and manifest through self-righteous and petty quips. Locking him into a confessional had a noticeable subduing effect on his obnoxious inner child, and for once, he wasn't acting like a pompous ass.
Our discussion ran for but a few minutes, then he raised his glass for a toast. I suppose that was his way of calling a truce. I wasn't particularily convinced by this gesture, but that really doesn't matter to me. What matters is that he finally realized one very important thing:
He who screws with the Leola must answer to the Leola
I'll be in touch with you all soon
After weeks of silence, I accidentally ran into the coward. He really didn't have much to say for himself, he just kept shaking his head saying "I'm sorry...I really don't know what else to say"
I question the genuineness of the apologies. One of many things I learned about said ex-lover is that he is the type of person who always has to appear to be the nice, likeable guy.
"Perhaps I could have handled things differently...You deserve better than that"
Something tells me he files these phrases under "Appeasement" for easy access.
I could go off on another tangent about my lingering bitterness, but I've expressed enough negativity about him in my journals. It's time to focus on the positive
I was able to re-claim power in this situation merely by coming face-to-face with him. The conversation was civil, but I still stood by the sentiments I originally expressed through written word nearly two months ago. I told him how much he hurt me. I told him his avoidant behaviour was completely unneccessary, as I am far more reasonable than what his actions have hitherto suggested. I can recall several moments where his stewing arrogance would surface and manifest through self-righteous and petty quips. Locking him into a confessional had a noticeable subduing effect on his obnoxious inner child, and for once, he wasn't acting like a pompous ass.
Our discussion ran for but a few minutes, then he raised his glass for a toast. I suppose that was his way of calling a truce. I wasn't particularily convinced by this gesture, but that really doesn't matter to me. What matters is that he finally realized one very important thing:
He who screws with the Leola must answer to the Leola

I'll be in touch with you all soon

Thanks hon.
all kindsa stuff in the haps here - when time permits i will properly journal the details.