Oh my GOD
Christmas is really here. The past three weeks leading up to this have gone in the blink of an eye. Work has been extremely hectic and stressful. I was launched into full-producer mode and had to take on a mountain of responsibility. I worked long and hard, averaging 12-15 hour days, and now my body is ready to collapse. I'm surprised I even have the energy to write this.
Alas, the chaos is over. And as tired as I am now, I am so excited about going home tomorrow to spend the next 4 days with my family. I love Christmas day at my parents house. I love watching my mother work herself into a frenzy over dinner preparation. I love the loud. uproarious laughter of my father's side of the family when we're all together. And I love sitting down to feast with them all.
Christmas has always been great for me.
With that said, I want to wish every single one of you on my friend's list a very happy, holiday season. Whatever your faith, whatever your preference, whatever your company, I hope you all get to spend time with the ones you love the most.
Peace and love

Christmas is really here. The past three weeks leading up to this have gone in the blink of an eye. Work has been extremely hectic and stressful. I was launched into full-producer mode and had to take on a mountain of responsibility. I worked long and hard, averaging 12-15 hour days, and now my body is ready to collapse. I'm surprised I even have the energy to write this.
Alas, the chaos is over. And as tired as I am now, I am so excited about going home tomorrow to spend the next 4 days with my family. I love Christmas day at my parents house. I love watching my mother work herself into a frenzy over dinner preparation. I love the loud. uproarious laughter of my father's side of the family when we're all together. And I love sitting down to feast with them all.
Christmas has always been great for me.
With that said, I want to wish every single one of you on my friend's list a very happy, holiday season. Whatever your faith, whatever your preference, whatever your company, I hope you all get to spend time with the ones you love the most.
Peace and love

I am proposing an unofficial Suicide Girls
Party at the Bovin Sex Club on January 25,
2006. Please invite all of your friends and come out to make a few new friends. Lets get together and have a drink.