I'M IT!!! Darling teddykev tagged me with the 20 Questions game, so I guess I'll cough up some trivial bits of info about yours truly.
1) As some of you already know, Leola is not my real name. When I was thinking of a member alias upon registering with this site, my sister's Cabbage Patch kid came to mind, but don't ask me why. Her full name was Leola-Wanda. I decided it was a little too lengthy, so I dropped the Wanda. I think Leola is a little more exotic and sexy, don't you?
2) I hate feet. I think they're nasty. I think the Canadian government should enforce a mandatory seasonal pedicure program around early June when the weather starts to warm up. That probably sounds a little fascistic, but if there's one thing I cannot stomch, it is crusty, unkempt barren clodhoppers!
3) In the summer of 2004, I drove to Buffalo for a one-night hotel stay to meet joebot It was the first trip I ever made to meet another SG member, and I had a blast. He was such a great bloke.
4) In University, I took some art history classes with a high profile SG. I will not reveal any names, but all I will say is that she's one fascinating little cookie, and I had such a mad crush on her!
5) Between the ages of 7 and 8, I was a Brownie. For you American readers, that's the Canadian equivalent of a Girl Scout. I'm not sure how the system works now, but back in the day, the Girl Guide divisions were based on age groups. One of my most prized achievements as a Brownie was acquiring the Book Readers badge. I didn't have much interest in developing physical skills or demonstrating leadership quailities, so I concentrated on the quieter, dorkier pursuits that were easily attainable but still impressive in the scutinous eyes of the intrepid Guide leaders.
6) I became vegetarian when I was 17 and fell off the bandwagon just over 2 years ago. When I think about reverting to my old dietary habits (as I often do), I just wind up eating more chicken.
7) Punk rock changed my life. The old stuff that is, not this post- 2000 new-school screamo/metal bullox that passes for punk these days. There are so many stylized "angry" young man bands out there, and I think they're all a total joke. In my university days, I used to host a weekly punk/hardcore show and made it a priority to focus on the original stuff of the 80s and 90s that actually mattered. OI!
8) As a child, I suffered from asthma and was forced to take oxygen treatments three times a day. I spent most of my winter recess breaks caged inside classrooms, while the rest of the kids were outside playing in the snow. I guess it wasn't such a bad deal on the extremely cold days. But one thing I always dreaded was having my mom show up with the compressor and oxygen mask that I had to wear for 15 minutes at a time, and we did this every school day for 3-4 years. It made me feel like a specimen on display. In hindsight it's no big deal, but at the time I really loathed it.
9) On the topic of asthma, I was hosptialized for two weeks at the age of 5 and lived in an oxygen-tent bed. I spent most of my time in a rectangular, plastic square and shared a room with five other squealing toddlers and infants. This is my earliest memory of hospitilization. Oh what a time that was!
10) I'm proud to say I've never done any chemical drugs, and I never smoked dope in excess, even in my mildly-rebellious, jerk-head adolescent years.
11) I smooched my first girl when I was 17. She was and is still my best friend.
12) I smooched my first married man when I was 20. He and his wife had a polyamorous relationship. I wanted more, but it never happened.
13) I didn't loose my virginity until I was 23, which in my opinion, is quite late by societal standards.
14) It's 2am, I should be in bed and instead I'm working on this damn questionnaire. Lol.
15) I'm addicted to sushi. It's like crack to me.
16) I am of Italian descent and my family means the world to me.
17) I've been to Italy once and am heading out to Maui in January, oh HELL YEAH!
18) My favorite painter is Attila Richard Lukacs
19) Over the past year, I've developed an appreciation for red wine, eyeshadow, and Norweigan electro-pop sensation ANNIE
20) I love to sleep in. Unfortunately, I have to be up for work early tomorrow off to bed I go! It's been fun.
Love to you all
1) As some of you already know, Leola is not my real name. When I was thinking of a member alias upon registering with this site, my sister's Cabbage Patch kid came to mind, but don't ask me why. Her full name was Leola-Wanda. I decided it was a little too lengthy, so I dropped the Wanda. I think Leola is a little more exotic and sexy, don't you?
2) I hate feet. I think they're nasty. I think the Canadian government should enforce a mandatory seasonal pedicure program around early June when the weather starts to warm up. That probably sounds a little fascistic, but if there's one thing I cannot stomch, it is crusty, unkempt barren clodhoppers!
3) In the summer of 2004, I drove to Buffalo for a one-night hotel stay to meet joebot It was the first trip I ever made to meet another SG member, and I had a blast. He was such a great bloke.
4) In University, I took some art history classes with a high profile SG. I will not reveal any names, but all I will say is that she's one fascinating little cookie, and I had such a mad crush on her!
5) Between the ages of 7 and 8, I was a Brownie. For you American readers, that's the Canadian equivalent of a Girl Scout. I'm not sure how the system works now, but back in the day, the Girl Guide divisions were based on age groups. One of my most prized achievements as a Brownie was acquiring the Book Readers badge. I didn't have much interest in developing physical skills or demonstrating leadership quailities, so I concentrated on the quieter, dorkier pursuits that were easily attainable but still impressive in the scutinous eyes of the intrepid Guide leaders.
6) I became vegetarian when I was 17 and fell off the bandwagon just over 2 years ago. When I think about reverting to my old dietary habits (as I often do), I just wind up eating more chicken.
7) Punk rock changed my life. The old stuff that is, not this post- 2000 new-school screamo/metal bullox that passes for punk these days. There are so many stylized "angry" young man bands out there, and I think they're all a total joke. In my university days, I used to host a weekly punk/hardcore show and made it a priority to focus on the original stuff of the 80s and 90s that actually mattered. OI!
8) As a child, I suffered from asthma and was forced to take oxygen treatments three times a day. I spent most of my winter recess breaks caged inside classrooms, while the rest of the kids were outside playing in the snow. I guess it wasn't such a bad deal on the extremely cold days. But one thing I always dreaded was having my mom show up with the compressor and oxygen mask that I had to wear for 15 minutes at a time, and we did this every school day for 3-4 years. It made me feel like a specimen on display. In hindsight it's no big deal, but at the time I really loathed it.
9) On the topic of asthma, I was hosptialized for two weeks at the age of 5 and lived in an oxygen-tent bed. I spent most of my time in a rectangular, plastic square and shared a room with five other squealing toddlers and infants. This is my earliest memory of hospitilization. Oh what a time that was!
10) I'm proud to say I've never done any chemical drugs, and I never smoked dope in excess, even in my mildly-rebellious, jerk-head adolescent years.
11) I smooched my first girl when I was 17. She was and is still my best friend.
12) I smooched my first married man when I was 20. He and his wife had a polyamorous relationship. I wanted more, but it never happened.
13) I didn't loose my virginity until I was 23, which in my opinion, is quite late by societal standards.
14) It's 2am, I should be in bed and instead I'm working on this damn questionnaire. Lol.
15) I'm addicted to sushi. It's like crack to me.
16) I am of Italian descent and my family means the world to me.
17) I've been to Italy once and am heading out to Maui in January, oh HELL YEAH!
18) My favorite painter is Attila Richard Lukacs
19) Over the past year, I've developed an appreciation for red wine, eyeshadow, and Norweigan electro-pop sensation ANNIE
20) I love to sleep in. Unfortunately, I have to be up for work early tomorrow off to bed I go! It's been fun.
Love to you all
Much Love to you too young Miss
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev