boyfriend and i are talking about traveling. i can't wait to see the world. he's excited to go places too =] we wanna go all over europe, to jamaica, (i wanna go) to south america, islands around africa, and every where else! i'm gonna have to force him to machu pichu though XD its my dreeeeeam to go and hike all the way up.
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buy a eurorail pass,you can see many countries all over europe.To save money we stayed at hostels. Check out hostel international,if you join youll get info and some discounts
I just went out with my floor to see the movie Paul. It was realllly good. I didn't know it was a kids movie haha turns out it's rated R. But yeah, extremely good and I have a new favorite insult "dick milk." We kinda voted as a floor what we were gonna go see, I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to see Sucker Punch, but no one...
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i love when boyfriend uses lupe fiasco lyrics to express his love

Fresh to def she is
From her steps to her set she is
So death might not let me live
Ya dig
Yes she is
Had a feeling
That it would be a day like this
The orchestra in my mind
Don't play like this
But I'm prepared for it
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So tuesday night i got like 2 hours of sleep, i did the whole going to bed at a decent hour but laying there wondering why your not asleep yet and counting the hours you have left thing. then i had to wake up early and write a paper, which turned out pretty well if i do say so myself =]
laaaaaaaaaaaaaaast night i stayed...
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This is the cutest ever! I love procrastination lol
ok. got what i wanted. i love my boyfriend.... love
looking forward to many more anniversaries =]
I'm so bummed =/
today is mine and my boyfriend's anniversary and i'm at school in new york and he's home in san francisco. i hate this. he works and i have school. we don't talk enough for my taste. i just want to see him and celebrate with him. technically we celebrated when i was home for spring break... but this is the official...
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Wednesday night the weather was semi-terrible. It was slushy outside and random on and off cold. I had already eaten dinner and finished my homework when my friend knocks on my door and I almost didn't answer kuz i wasn't wearing pants; but, I put some on and opened the door. My friend stood there smiling her ass off and giggling telling me about how...
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ohh i hope you start to feel better soon
UGH i'm so distracted with thoughts of new piercings and shizz....
why cant i just have moooooney?
here's the next few things i cant wait to do in order of when i am going to do them.
1. finishing my daffodils. FINALLY, as soon as school is over and i am home. i know i shouldn't get tattooed in the summer... but i just want...
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Nipple piercings hurt like a mother fucker.... I will never get mine re done of they somehow come out and can't be put back it.. I've lost a lot of sensation in my nipples due to them and it takes forever to heal... oh and they will hurt for a few months.

You've been forewarned smile
lol thanks, i have my tongue pierced so i know what kinda healing sucks. and i don't really get a lot outta my nipples as far as pleasure goes. plus i'm super hardheaded and i'm probly gonna do it anyway and bitch about it later =D