god damn, I haven't posted here for months...oh well. here is a rundown of my life in the past few months in just a few lines...
Got back together with ex.
Ex dumped me again.
I am very angry with ex.
I work hard at learning Spanish.
I joined a band playing bass.
I have played and sang on my own at the open mic night I go to.
Now I need to find a new girlfriend I think. I feel ready.
I went to Amsterdam. It was awesome.
Got stuck in Amsterdam because of the volcano in Iceland.
Got home.
Have been surfing again.
Getting my life back in order.
Been ill as fuck.
Ta Daaaa!! There you have it.
I hope you are all well. I'll come by and say hi this week.
I'm off to watch 'where the wild things are' again. I fucking love that film!

Got back together with ex.
Ex dumped me again.
I am very angry with ex.
I work hard at learning Spanish.
I joined a band playing bass.
I have played and sang on my own at the open mic night I go to.
Now I need to find a new girlfriend I think. I feel ready.
I went to Amsterdam. It was awesome.
Got stuck in Amsterdam because of the volcano in Iceland.
Got home.
Have been surfing again.
Getting my life back in order.
Been ill as fuck.
Ta Daaaa!! There you have it.
I hope you are all well. I'll come by and say hi this week.
I'm off to watch 'where the wild things are' again. I fucking love that film!

hit us up with an update mate.
Yo voy a entiender espanol asi, amigo. Tengo un amigo en el restaurante donde yo trabajar en estaicion pizzador. Mi amigo, Rafael entiendes un poco de Ingles (y mucho mas lenguas), y tienes un vocabulario exceptional. Con solo un intencion a communicar, y dos intellegencias exceptionales, aceres como quieres.