Ah, still a bit down about Jenny, but I'm getting better with it. I have some new friends on here who are really cool and they are helping as is all the sympathy from you guys. I won;t go about it forever, i promise!
I went out tonight, saw a really cool band and saw a load of people i haven't seen for ages which was great. I saw one of the student nurses that was looking after me a bit in hospital, she's the girlfriend of the drummer. That was cool. i would have like to stay late, but I have to get some sleep as I'm going away tomorrow.
So yeah, I'm away for a few days, I'll be by to say to you all when i get back.
be cool and have fun!
peace and happy voodoo...
I went out tonight, saw a really cool band and saw a load of people i haven't seen for ages which was great. I saw one of the student nurses that was looking after me a bit in hospital, she's the girlfriend of the drummer. That was cool. i would have like to stay late, but I have to get some sleep as I'm going away tomorrow.
So yeah, I'm away for a few days, I'll be by to say to you all when i get back.
be cool and have fun!
peace and happy voodoo...

Got the results back from the catscan--best results you can get on the scan. No coronary disease or even the hints or beginnings of it. Strange for my age, but I'm definitely not looking this gift horse in the mouth. I'm very grateful for this news. So this means it's probably muscle and anxiety related.
I started taking Cymbalta today, so that should help with both the pain and the depression. Time will tell.
How's the book coming along?