so, i was a whinging bitch yesterday, but I'm in a better mood today. Nothing has changed, but like i keep saying to myself and anyone who will listen,
'worrying about stuff you can't change doesn't make it better, so stop worrying. There's no point.'
Sincere love and thanks to all my friends out there who left me supportive messages - Solipsistic, SOAP, Hood, LauraLily, Inamourada-flux, Lordschleife. You guys all rule.
So I was a miserable bastard for about 6 hours yesterday, than I did some work on my stage show, watched some old video i found of my Dad playing with my dog (really nice to see my Dad happy - we lost him 2 years ago), and my Magician - consultant friend Mark came round, and helped me with my set list. Putting together a psychological illusion show is a bit of a headfuck... making all the pieces flow, and giving it a sense of theatrical balance is much harder than i thought. So i took my mind of things for a while, and got over myself.
One thing about my women problems, real quick i promise - there used to be loads of hippies in north devon. Now there isn't. I'm a mix between goth (all the black clothes), hip-hop and punk hippie. So I guess I've narrowed my market too much... If i was a lager downing townie, I'd be ok...! And i think any woman would be lucky to have me 'cause I'm great. I think I keep losing out because they realise that they are not good enough for me. Hey, if i believed anything else I'd have no self esteem left!
ok, plans for today....none at the moment. got my SG shirt today...i think I should have got the XL. The L is ok, but it's a little short (and I'm only 5'8"). Still, so damn cheap I'm not complaining.
Had to get a new tyre for my car, that was an unexpected 100 I had to pay out, and business is slow... still, i have petrol, food and a house so I've got nothing to complain about there, I'm doing so much better than alot of people i know.
Things that are different to *most* people that make me interesting:
1) I am a living example of science fiction, because technically I should be dead. How's that for starters?!
2) I used to race mountain bikes despite severe asthma.
3) I used to be a turntablist/musician and I released 3 lp's, 2 scratchmix-tapes, 2 videos and made 3 music promos, one of which was shown on Sky TV. i got higher ratings for my 2nd LP than Cypress hill, in 'Hip-hop connection' magazine, now called HHC. I didn't get very famous.
4) My mums dad was black, and her mum a white Jew. My Dad was a Geordie. I'm very easy to offend....!
5) I can appear to read minds and control thoughts, i can stop my pulse and I have on occasion stopped my heart. The only ones who believe that are the ones that actually feel it though.
6) I used to think I was psychic, but now know i was cold-reading.
7) Me and a friend managed to smoke an 8th and a 16th in 5 minutes between the two of us. It was awesome....Playing Doom was a trip after that!
8) My GF in wales is the only girl to ever bruise my pelvis...I miss her. Best head ever. Sarah Donovan, I will always love you...
9) I am good friends with former pro-wrestler turned author Mick Foley. He is a super nice guy who did a lot to help me when i was seriously ill.
10) I play bass, guitar, and drums to a competent level. Except my bass, which i fucking rock at. Any Les Claypool line, I can play it. Not Stu Hamm though, he's too good...
11) I got mugged in Spain, and i didn't really realise until i was broke and missing my ganja. It was very surreal, and it happened becuase the first shop we went in did not have any tomato flavoured cheetos.....
12) I am a hypnotherapist. I spend my time helping people, and i have had a 100% success rate so far.
13) I am the only psychological illusionist in the world to actually perform in public 'the darth vader force choke'. I can Choke someone without touching them. But it won't work in a fight situation, as it takes a couple of minutes and a willing participant. I love doing it, makes me look like the closest thing anyone has seen to a jedi.
14) I haven't had anybody be angry at me for over 2 years.
I'm going to stop there, for risk of boring you, dear readers...
Thank you for your time.
Peace and happy stuff to you all........
'worrying about stuff you can't change doesn't make it better, so stop worrying. There's no point.'
Sincere love and thanks to all my friends out there who left me supportive messages - Solipsistic, SOAP, Hood, LauraLily, Inamourada-flux, Lordschleife. You guys all rule.
So I was a miserable bastard for about 6 hours yesterday, than I did some work on my stage show, watched some old video i found of my Dad playing with my dog (really nice to see my Dad happy - we lost him 2 years ago), and my Magician - consultant friend Mark came round, and helped me with my set list. Putting together a psychological illusion show is a bit of a headfuck... making all the pieces flow, and giving it a sense of theatrical balance is much harder than i thought. So i took my mind of things for a while, and got over myself.
One thing about my women problems, real quick i promise - there used to be loads of hippies in north devon. Now there isn't. I'm a mix between goth (all the black clothes), hip-hop and punk hippie. So I guess I've narrowed my market too much... If i was a lager downing townie, I'd be ok...! And i think any woman would be lucky to have me 'cause I'm great. I think I keep losing out because they realise that they are not good enough for me. Hey, if i believed anything else I'd have no self esteem left!
ok, plans for today....none at the moment. got my SG shirt today...i think I should have got the XL. The L is ok, but it's a little short (and I'm only 5'8"). Still, so damn cheap I'm not complaining.
Had to get a new tyre for my car, that was an unexpected 100 I had to pay out, and business is slow... still, i have petrol, food and a house so I've got nothing to complain about there, I'm doing so much better than alot of people i know.
Things that are different to *most* people that make me interesting:
1) I am a living example of science fiction, because technically I should be dead. How's that for starters?!
2) I used to race mountain bikes despite severe asthma.
3) I used to be a turntablist/musician and I released 3 lp's, 2 scratchmix-tapes, 2 videos and made 3 music promos, one of which was shown on Sky TV. i got higher ratings for my 2nd LP than Cypress hill, in 'Hip-hop connection' magazine, now called HHC. I didn't get very famous.
4) My mums dad was black, and her mum a white Jew. My Dad was a Geordie. I'm very easy to offend....!
5) I can appear to read minds and control thoughts, i can stop my pulse and I have on occasion stopped my heart. The only ones who believe that are the ones that actually feel it though.
6) I used to think I was psychic, but now know i was cold-reading.
7) Me and a friend managed to smoke an 8th and a 16th in 5 minutes between the two of us. It was awesome....Playing Doom was a trip after that!
8) My GF in wales is the only girl to ever bruise my pelvis...I miss her. Best head ever. Sarah Donovan, I will always love you...
9) I am good friends with former pro-wrestler turned author Mick Foley. He is a super nice guy who did a lot to help me when i was seriously ill.
10) I play bass, guitar, and drums to a competent level. Except my bass, which i fucking rock at. Any Les Claypool line, I can play it. Not Stu Hamm though, he's too good...
11) I got mugged in Spain, and i didn't really realise until i was broke and missing my ganja. It was very surreal, and it happened becuase the first shop we went in did not have any tomato flavoured cheetos.....
12) I am a hypnotherapist. I spend my time helping people, and i have had a 100% success rate so far.
13) I am the only psychological illusionist in the world to actually perform in public 'the darth vader force choke'. I can Choke someone without touching them. But it won't work in a fight situation, as it takes a couple of minutes and a willing participant. I love doing it, makes me look like the closest thing anyone has seen to a jedi.
14) I haven't had anybody be angry at me for over 2 years.
I'm going to stop there, for risk of boring you, dear readers...
Thank you for your time.
Peace and happy stuff to you all........

The phrase I've always used is: Coldplay are 'Radiohead- lite' and even that still insults Radiohead.
To give Chris Martin his due tho' he has always seemed to publicly acknowledge the debt his band owes to them.
Nah, never met 'em. I'm long enough in the tooth to have no illusions about 'Stardom'. If Thom Yorke's managed to keep a level head on his shoulders (which is my general impression) then good for him!
Shame about your bro in law, a mechanic who can be trusted is a gem in this world!
Take it easy!