back home at my parents' house for the weekend. a very bitter sweet visit this will be; they leave to move to florida at 5 a.m. that will be hard. my mom is my best friend. it will be difficult to get used to seeing her a couple times a month to just a couple times a year. we already live 2 hours away from each other but now there will be a 16 hour distance between bardstown, kentucky (that's me) and palm coast, florida (my parental units). oh well. they deserve it. no more kids in the house, retired dad, life will be good for them there. it's pretty funny though because the first thing my mom said when they made their final decision to move was, "ah man, now i have to find a new tattoo artist in florida!" that's why my mom ROCKS!
I only live about 30 minutes away from my mom, but our lives are so busy these days that I only visit every couple of weeks. We talk almost every day though, she's my best friend too. Your mom sounds like a badass!