I cried...a lot...while watching Serenity. Damn you, Joss Whedon for killing off characters I love. You sadistic bastard!
Besides the whole sadistic bastard thing, he makes a damn good show. For those of you who've not seen Firefly, why haven't you?!
The movie was very good closure to a wonderful, yet short lived, show. J. said something in the lines of, "Everything is pretty well explained except for Blue Sun and the guys with the blue hands." I'm starting to wonder if Joss Whedon will explain more if the movie does well, so go see the movie.
Besides the whole sadistic bastard thing, he makes a damn good show. For those of you who've not seen Firefly, why haven't you?!
The movie was very good closure to a wonderful, yet short lived, show. J. said something in the lines of, "Everything is pretty well explained except for Blue Sun and the guys with the blue hands." I'm starting to wonder if Joss Whedon will explain more if the movie does well, so go see the movie.
In other news, I only saw a couple episodes of Firefly, so I don't feel too sentimental about it (at the moment). However, I wish that Stewart Copeland had done more music for Babylon 5 than just the pilot.
(Stewart Copeland: The Police, score for Rumblefish, theme for The Equalizer ...)
In TV-land I am most looking forward to more episodes of Boston Legal. Threshold was fun too.