Friday Apr 11, 2003 Apr 11, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email WHAT THE? HOLY MOTHER FUCKBAGS!!! I HAVE ANOTHER SET UP!!! Thanks everybody for the comments! Lenore VIEW 26 of 26 COMMENTS jurasic: You're hairy??? Apr 12, 2003 nex_flamma: Nice new set. Im impressed. Plus, I dig that blue wig. And yes, I will be calling you. I've gotta work most of the early day tomorrow, but I'll call you after that. I promise. Oh, and as a side note to what Brie said earlier; you look a lot like a girl I know too. Hehe. [Edited on Apr 13, 2003] Apr 12, 2003
And yes, I will be calling you. I've gotta work most of the early day tomorrow, but I'll call you after that. I promise.
Oh, and as a side note to what Brie said earlier; you look a lot like a girl I know too. Hehe.
[Edited on Apr 13, 2003]