some questions?!?!
*yummiest ice cream?
*tastiest cookie?
*bestest cocktail?
*what you thinking about?
*where do you wanna take me?
*whats your teddy bear called?
*leather or latex?
*what you listening to?
*what are you wearing?
*favourite sweetie?
*where would i find you in the playground?
*favourite kind of shop?
*last film you watched?
my answers
*chubby hubby - ben n jerrys
*jammy dodgers
*woo woo!
*im thinking about dan and how mint he is
*id like to take me downstairs for some pie
*my oldest bear is actually a dog called dapper
*i was listenin to audioslave - cochise cos it reminds me of dan
*my work shirt and my panties
*haribo cherries
*you would find me on the swings
*i love shoe shops
*the bourne supremacy with dan
ok thats enough!!
i want some rhubarb pie with cream...yum yum!!
*yummiest ice cream?
*tastiest cookie?
*bestest cocktail?
*what you thinking about?
*where do you wanna take me?
*whats your teddy bear called?
*leather or latex?
*what you listening to?
*what are you wearing?
*favourite sweetie?
*where would i find you in the playground?
*favourite kind of shop?
*last film you watched?
my answers
*chubby hubby - ben n jerrys
*jammy dodgers
*woo woo!
*im thinking about dan and how mint he is
*id like to take me downstairs for some pie
*my oldest bear is actually a dog called dapper
*i was listenin to audioslave - cochise cos it reminds me of dan
*my work shirt and my panties
*haribo cherries
*you would find me on the swings
*i love shoe shops
*the bourne supremacy with dan
ok thats enough!!

i want some rhubarb pie with cream...yum yum!!
*tastiest cookie?: subways white chocolate
*bestest cocktail? :meh
*what you thinking about? :MY NEW FILLINGGG
*where do you wanna take me? :to a nudist beach
*whats your teddy bear called? :bob the monkey
*leather or latex? :leather baby
*what you listening to? :metallica - for whom the bell tolls
*what are you wearing? :just my pants
*favourite sweetie? : cheery dropss!
*where would i find you in the playground? :on the huge ass slide
*favourite kind of shop? :food
*last film you watched? :aliens vs predator
*homemade chocolate chip
*white russian
*my new house
*I don't have one
*nothing at the moment
*blue t-shirt and red shorts
*don't really know
*on the swings
*dumb and dumberer