ok...ive fucked up! ive not done two essays for the same module about north american film so ive got to resit them both over the summer...the woman i spoke to who deals with failing says that ive only got a small problem and that its very hard to fail university! i dont think i'll fail a second time...i havent ever failed anything before! im just lazy and need to get my arse into gear! my mums gonna go crazy at me...

Ya, it is pretty damned hard to fail, especially if you actually go to lectures too.... I managed to attend about 5 lectures in my entire third year and still got a 2.1, so I really wouldn't stress about it. Learn to pull out the stops when all the outs are spent and you'll do fine. There are SO many more important things in life than busting your arse for grades. You seem bright to me, you'll do fine 

No, I didn't mean to put four messages on there. Sorry about that. Sometimes I wish I was still in school sometimes. working is not fun.