Went to Halloween bash last night, was just total awesomeness... My costume was the shiznit and the other Droogs were all present and equally well dressed. Jakeways 'Mad Professor' costume was fantastic too. We had people asking Paul and I for photos of us throughout the night. We were more than happy to oblige.
There was one girl there who was so cute it was unbelievable, but it was just impossible to talk to her. She always seemed to be talking to her friend and there was never a gap to try and get a chance to go and say something. I never saw her at the bar either, which is always the ideal opportunity to talk to someone. Ah well... I did have some girl attempt to chat me up though, I was a bit miserable at first cos she's not really my type, but she persisted and ended up asking me to meet her at the Academy next week. Not sure if I'm gonna go or not. She is blonde so that's a negative mark from me. But she did have really nice eyes and an awesome backside. There was this other semi-cute blonde girl who kept trying to steal my cane too and kept smiling at me, was nice to get some attention. Was quite the egofuck really.
I probably only got attention cos I felt a lot more confident in myself and not that self-aware. I probably seemed quite brash to some people but can't say it's a bad thing cos it got sufficient results.
Jacqui and I seem to be getting on perfectly well at the moment, which is shocking really considering that I normally find ways to be a total twat 99% of the time... Ah well, I'm not complaining. She moves sections at work next week. Which means that for the first time in 12 months I will no longer have someone I am able to talk to that I work with. First Kim moved and now Jacqui. I can see myself killing Deena someday soon... THANK FUCK SHE IS OFF THIS WEEK!!!
There was one girl there who was so cute it was unbelievable, but it was just impossible to talk to her. She always seemed to be talking to her friend and there was never a gap to try and get a chance to go and say something. I never saw her at the bar either, which is always the ideal opportunity to talk to someone. Ah well... I did have some girl attempt to chat me up though, I was a bit miserable at first cos she's not really my type, but she persisted and ended up asking me to meet her at the Academy next week. Not sure if I'm gonna go or not. She is blonde so that's a negative mark from me. But she did have really nice eyes and an awesome backside. There was this other semi-cute blonde girl who kept trying to steal my cane too and kept smiling at me, was nice to get some attention. Was quite the egofuck really.
I probably only got attention cos I felt a lot more confident in myself and not that self-aware. I probably seemed quite brash to some people but can't say it's a bad thing cos it got sufficient results.
Jacqui and I seem to be getting on perfectly well at the moment, which is shocking really considering that I normally find ways to be a total twat 99% of the time... Ah well, I'm not complaining. She moves sections at work next week. Which means that for the first time in 12 months I will no longer have someone I am able to talk to that I work with. First Kim moved and now Jacqui. I can see myself killing Deena someday soon... THANK FUCK SHE IS OFF THIS WEEK!!!
2!!!! cute girls are busy trying to chat you up, and you're ready to blow them out because they're blonde!!!!!!!
I dunno... guys!
cant live with them, can't live with them..hehehe