I can't see me staying at my job much longer. It's really doing my head in now. I hate the work I do there, I hate all the people now apart from Kim, and I just feel like I am losing the will to live every moment I am there.
On a positive note I haven't drank since Wednesday and I went to the cinema straight from work tonight and saw Starsky & Hutch and Dawn Of The Dead (I love Cineworld in Wolverhampton).
Starsky & Hutch is hilarious!!!
"Do it! Do it! Do it"
"Good, cos I'll take anything"
They're ny two new quotes that I will overuse.
I got scared shitless by Dawn Of The Dead. How fucking sad am I? It is a real good film though. I'll probably sleep with the TV on tonight though.
After the trailers though I have to see The Day After Tomorrow, The Girl Next Door, Van Helsing and SHAUN OF THE DEAD (Although I have wanted to see Shaun Of The Dead since I first heard about it, obviously).
On a positive note I haven't drank since Wednesday and I went to the cinema straight from work tonight and saw Starsky & Hutch and Dawn Of The Dead (I love Cineworld in Wolverhampton).
Starsky & Hutch is hilarious!!!
"Do it! Do it! Do it"
"Good, cos I'll take anything"
They're ny two new quotes that I will overuse.
I got scared shitless by Dawn Of The Dead. How fucking sad am I? It is a real good film though. I'll probably sleep with the TV on tonight though.
After the trailers though I have to see The Day After Tomorrow, The Girl Next Door, Van Helsing and SHAUN OF THE DEAD (Although I have wanted to see Shaun Of The Dead since I first heard about it, obviously).
its hard to see the happy stuff when you're sad and lonely, but since im often sad and lonely too, even when im with my guy or my friends, i think it might be my normal mindset, and i'm just lucky enough to be able to step outside it for a while and be happy.
*sends hugs*