It's Saturday Night! 26 more days till my birthday and counting. This one better be good. If I wake up again this year and my first thoughts are I'm 23 and I wish I was dead than I quit. I'm going bowling tonight. I plan on kicking ryan's ass: it shouldn't be too hard. I think I've consumed way too much sugar today; tonight might be very dangerous for all involved. I want to be a comic book character! I think I would make a good superhero. Do you get benefits as a superhero, or are you just fucked?!
I'm a superhero. At least thats what they want you to believe... i think if you're a good enough superhero you get a good health plan because you'd be all... drawn and stuff... And if you get totally creamed by some super villain, IT'S ALL GOOD!!! in the next issue you'll be, for some unexplained reason, all better. So i guess the perks of being a superhero are no matter what happens you'll always come out on top... i mean look at superman... he's been dead. but his health plan brought him back to life and stuff so he could still kick booty. i think every superheroe's prolly died before. I know I have..............