Just got back from Key West. I had a fucking amazing time. It was nice to finally get away with Ryan. Definitely drank too much but it was all in fun. Had some of the most amazing oysters and fresh shrimp i've ever had. I loved it down there. The party bars were fun, but the local bars are always more my style. Got to go on some ghost walks, saw the beach, a couple of great museums, and even went to the hemingway house. Pretty much did everything we wanted to do. I'll try and put some pics up in a couple of days. Now getting back to normal life. Looking for a new place to live, so a little stressed about that. But i have some good leads i hope. I have moving. Adrien is definitely not going to be happy about that. Hopefully we can get rid of a lot shit finally. Tired of moving with all the crap in our garage.

They have 5 toes; that's what makes them different. Oh and there are about 44 of those things running around.

Good look with the hunt!