I'm over being sick. Baby's been sick, ryan's been sick, and i'm just not getting over it. Tired of feeling like shit. I went bowling last night though. It was my friend's birthday, so we ate thai food and went bowling. I love bowling. Would love to go ice skating some time, but i can't get ryan to go. Guess i'll just have to wait a few more years, and than i can force adrien to go with me. Been doing a lot of writing lately. Pretty fucking exhausted from the whole thing though. Been writing songs for this 9 year old that wants to be a pop star. Trying to find my inner child is just overtiring.
I've been listening to 5:30 for a few days, trying to tide myself over until 4/25....it's seriously growing on me. I'm about to start sending harassing e-mails to some local stations, demanding they play your songs.
Agh, the midwest is a music deadspot......