You ever have one of those days where the last person you want to be is yourself? Well, i'm having one of those damn weeks. I don't know. Just overstressed with everything, not sleeping, and just completely out of it. Which makes dealing with my hangover today considerably worse. Went to Halloween Horror Nights last night and we decided instead of paying for overpriced beer all night we would go home and drink a lot of cheap beer till about 3 am. Not a smart idea considering i had to get up around 7 today. Yet i never said i was a genius. Just ready to get this tour started, so i can stop worrying about everything i need to get ready for the tour. I hate packing and i'm definitely dreading that. Today is only half over. I keep telling myself if i just get through today the week will be over.

Know the feeling only too well, had a bad 2 months of the same. I found my balance but it was hard to do. Patience my dear Lennon, Patience.
Tour is almost will be fine then