So i wake up this morning still drunk (long night and needless to say i'm never drinking wine again) and go outside to smoke a cigarette. In the door handle is one of those stupid flyers crazy christians stick in your door while sleeping. Normally i don't even bother to read them and usually just throw them away. This one though had a very interesting message which was hard to miss. In white print right in the middle it says "Ideas Have Consequences." Honestly, what the fuck? "Ideas have consequences"; are we suppose to not think. Is thinking now a sin?! Should we just sit around and wait to be told what to do or think. Is that what their God wants us to do. Come on; I have never read anything so fucking ridiculous. If i ever sober up i should fucking call them to see what their explanation is just for laughs. So ideas are a sin: I'm definitely going to hell now.

Hmmm so thinking has consequences. Yeah progress, getting outta the cave, music, literature and advances in medicine. I sure could do without thinking - not
When is it that you are playing in Sweden?